We’re committed to providing you with the latest drag racing Z32 times from drivers around the world. 

Whether you call it 300ZX, Fairlady Z or Zed X your times will be posted here for the world to see. It doesn't matter if you have turbos or not we will love to post your times on the list!

For site Advertising send us a line using the Contact Us form on this page. 

We will love to have as many vendors as possible catering to the Z32 and VG30 Engines on this site!

The hits are coming in fast and so will the time slips!



We want to be the one stop place for all Z32 drag racing times.

For many years there was a list kept by Arnel L. under the site name Z32Racing.com, it was a job taken on by one man.

With the slow down and progress in the Z32 drag racing community the list started getting smaller year after year until Arnel felt like it just wasn't enough data coming in to justify keeping up with the site or the list.

This site is a continuation of that passion. 

Enter the new Z32DragRacing.com

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​​​​Your home for VG30DE Drag Racing!